About TEdec Systems

Corporate Headquarters

TEdec Systems, Inc.
207 Court Street
Little Valley, New York 14755

Tel: 716.938.9137
Fax: 716.938.6155

Teddar S Brooks Founder

Teddar S. Brooks Founder

Teddar S. Brooks, Esq.,

Admitted to New York State Bar February 1974, New York.
Education: State University of New York at Buffalo (B.A., cum laude 1966); State University of New York (M.S., 1967); Cornell University (J.D., 1973).

Member: Cattaraugus County Bar Association, New York State Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Trust and Estates; Elder Law; General Practice) and American Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Real Property, Probate and Trust Law; General Practice ); frequent lecturer on estate planning and estate administration topics before professional organizations (including American Bar Association and the Cattaraugus County Bar Association and the Chautauqua County Bar Association, and various groups of chartered life underwriters) and frequent contributing author to the National Income Tax Workbook prepared by the Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation, Inc., College Station TX; developer of the TEdec Fiduciary Accounting System.

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